
prossesing a lampshade

Rebecka Tiselius
Originally uploaded by rebecka tiselius


Rebecka Tiselius
Originally uploaded by rebecka tiselius


Rebecka Tiselius
Originally uploaded by rebecka tiselius
We got a task in shool to work with steel and light.
This is what i came up with.
I´ve got the textile cord today. Got the welding left to do after Christmas.

played around with some plexi

Rebecka Tiselius
Originally uploaded by rebecka tiselius
Inspired by my good friend Silja Manninen, fashion designer from London I´ve started play around with plexi.
Will be working with illution, light and reflection with inspiraition from the "Butterflyhouse" in Stockholm for Stockholm Furniture Fair 2010.

handmade lamp socket

Rebecka Tiselius
Originally uploaded by rebecka tiselius
Soon to bee a floor lamp.

Rebecka Tiselius
Originally uploaded by rebecka tiselius


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.


Don´t miss Nyckelviksskolan at Stockholm Furniture Fair 2010


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